
HASS On Unraid: DNS

This post is part of a series covering running various containers on Unraid.

Today I will be covering setting up DNS and HTTPS on your local Home Assistance instance making use of Duck DNS and Let’s Encrypt.

The process is pretty simple and requires only a few steps to complete.

Static IP Address and port forwarding

First you will need to set a static IP Address for your Home Assistant server, generally you would do this at your router level reserving a static lease for the MAC Address of your server.

Once you have a static IP Address you will need to forward all traffic on TCP_443 (HTTPS) to your Home Assistant server’s IP Address (again, usually done through your router).

Create a Duck DNS Domain

Next you will need to head over to Duck DNS and create a domain to use with your Home Assistance instance.

Configuring Home Assistant

Next you will need to create a new file in your configuration folder called http.yaml to store the required configuration settings.

Add the following contents to http.yaml:

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
server_port: 443

You can include this configuration in Home Assistant by adding the following line to your configuration.yaml file: http: !include custom/http.yaml

Install Duck DNS Addon

Under Home Assistant add ons, find and install the Duck DNS plugin:

Once installed follow the prompts when setting up the Add-On making sure to substitute your token where necessary. In addition, please ensure that the rest of your configuration looks like this:

accept_terms: true
algo: secp384r1
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem

It should now be safe to restart Home Assistant for the changes to take effect.

NOTE: you will no longer be able to access Home Assistant on HTTP

You should now be able to access Home Assistant over HTTPS.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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